Call for ambassadors and business mentors

Cooperation and mutual support are part and parcel of being part of the EDUCATE community. Together, we strive to give EdTech entrepreneurs and start-ups the best possible advice and guidance as they design and develop their products and services.

As EDUCATE’s profile grows within the education and technology communities, we find ourselves increasingly being asked to participate in events and activities representing the sector, and to highlight our own work.

But we need your help.

If you have been through the EDUCATE programme, please consider being an ambassador. This might involve attending conferences, exhibitions and shows where you can promote your company while being a cohort representative, or just mentioning us in an address or presentation you make to a relevant audience.

Perhaps you have experience of business and industry and could spare the time to mentor our cohorts as they progress through the programme. You will need to have business experience and expertise, be able to advise and support your cohort member, review their business strategy and help them to grow their network of contacts.

The role involves a modest time requirement of an average of two hours per calendar month, and you should be able to commit four hours per beneficiary during a three-month cohort cycle. It is anticipated that the business mentor would provide 2-4 instances of contact support and engagement, depending on the needs of the company.

If you would like further information about either or both roles, or are willing and able to get involved, please contact us.

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